Monday 21 March 2011

Schoolism Painter Assignment 2 final and reference

Hi! No time to do the Step By Step post yet, working on paying work.
But I did "sort of" finish and hand in my second Painting in Painter with Ryan Wood class assignment, which was doing a feather or fur creature. Well, I did both: my doggy as a puppy and pigeon wings... because I have lots of photos of both for reference! So, here is the assignment, and then the reference material. And I will also post right away my very unsuccessful attempt at a shadow, just in case my prof drops by and wants to see if I followed the tutorial (I did, and I hated it, and I erased it and put in clouds I got from looking at google images instead).

Let me know what you think!

This is where I got to at the end of day one of working on it.

And this is the bad shadow I deleted:

The clouds I used for reference to repaint the background:

And the finished work once again:


  1. blargh wordpress signin lost my comment!! I try again. the shadow seemed to add some realism (espec. if it were better designed)to an otherwise fantastic creature. The clouds/sun add to the surrealism, so the doggie with wings is firmly just fantastic. I find that interesting!

  2. Thanks Miss E. My prof got right down to painting out the clouds in my critique, simplifying it into flatter tones, and I think he would like the shadow in too. I'll have to try it again but at a lower resolution or something: the shape is all wrong because I couldn't get it to actually move when I moved the little toggles on the transform selection... and then it would suddenly jump to some weird shape. So I just left it alone eventually.

    Next assignment? A creature in hard shiny texture... hmmmm... robodog? :D

    And that is funny re the "firmly fantastic"... I always say I am no good at fantasy. :)
